All of My Books Will Not be Available in Kindle Unlimited

Have you noticed the final installments of my serials are no longer in the Kindle Unlimited library?

We're doing the same with the up and coming series, Prism, too. I'll explain why.

Kindle Unlimited is a unique and wonderful program for publishers/authors. It allows Kindle (Amazon) readers to have access to our titles, some of whom may have otherwise passed them by. The program is a good way to 'sample' writing without the commitment of paying the full cost of each book you add to your library. My publishing company, MKT Publishing, LLC, takes part in the program for most of my titles and enjoy the rewards of it.

In the fall of 2017, my publishing partner and I decided to pull all serial conclusions from the Kindle Unlimited (KU) program. While KU offers us a unique opportunity to expose our titles to that segment of their readership, it does not pay the full royalty of the book. That is the tradeoff.

It is my belief, if you've sampled the story and would like to continue the journey, you wouldn't mind paying the full cost for the conclusion. Doing so supports my publishing company and gives us the full asking price of the book, not just a portion.

Many KU subscribers don't understand the other side of the coin. They don't understand it's an optional program between publishers and Kindle (Amazon), not one that entitles KU subscribers to every book available in Kindle format. So, I hope this clears up our decision. And as always, thanks for your dedicated support!

~LB ? 

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