Love's Improbable Possibility

When I met him, I soon discovered the act of reciprocity. Something in me was so drawn to this man that I felt things unfamiliar, and he kept pushing me into a sphere that forced me to recognize the possibility of living a life that goes beyond survival. A world where I have to give someone else something that I’ve been lacking for so long—unconditional love. Before I could fully embrace it with him, I had to go seek the original Source first, though. I needed to learn more about love and all it entails. And I’m still learning.

Love encompasses so much. Though one of my biggest lessons is that it is unconditional. You don’t run from, or shun, or scrutinize love. You embrace it and cherish it.

And though all these years I never believed it would happen to me, I now know love’s improbable possibility.

~Rayna Brimm

L.I.P Series Promo ALL Four Covers

Take her journey in the Love’s Improbable Possibility series!


Book 1: Love Lost


Book 2: Love UnExpected 


Book 3: Love UnCharted


Book 4: Love Redeemed 





Now In Paperback!


Bonded with Ezra Now Available in KU